- Useful wp-cli command to bring back a hacked WordPress website20.09.24
- Chmod Calculator to convert Linux file permissions between different formats.29.10.24
- Deploy a static page with GitHub and install the NPM libraries with the action runner27.10.24
- Autoflake24.10.24
- Django Can LOGIN but Can’t LOGOUT - 405 Error23.10.24
- Deploy a public static website with codeberg23.10.24
- Bash script to check a PostgreSQL Master if he is streaming to particular Slave IP 21.10.24
- Magento Database Query to see the option values for a SKU15.10.24
- How list all blocked IPs from fail2ban15.10.24
- Query to get all emails with passwords on froxlor managed system.14.10.24
- Send with miultiple domain SSL certificates in the new Postfix11.10.24
- update all npm packages fast08.10.24
- Make Froxlor Version 2.x with PHP FPM Nginx to work on Debian 1217.12.23
- Quick install roundcube mail on debain after froxlor install22.07.21
- Save Froxlors email passwords as well as clear text 29.06.23
- Working debian bookworm distro26.09.24
- Wpscan via commandline26.09.24
- Find latest mssql session 25.09.24
- Restore core wordpress files only 25.09.24
- Howto detect malware’s with WP-CLI25.09.24
- Nginx WordPress Multisite extra setting for rewrite20.09.24
- He following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG B188E2B695BD4743 DEB.SURY.ORG19.09.24
- Plugins whats deletes orphane tables in wordpress18.09.24
- How to capitalize the first letter of a string in JavaScript18.09.24
- How to natural sort to a jqgrid column16.09.24
- Mssql get the beginning of this month with mssql and convert to 112 format10.11.17
- Install lower version of PHP into my latest Debian13.09.24
- How can I suppress column header output for a single SQL statement?12.09.24
- Imapsync online12.09.24
- How to Install Composer on Linux and Freebsd09.09.24
- Nginx Webmin Module 06.09.24
- How to install virtio-win.iso for windows guest into qemu/kvm05.09.24
- How to set max width to embedded MediaWiki image 05.09.24
- How to add a git pip into requirements.txt 04.09.24
- How to copy/select a whole file or buffer in Emacs?04.09.24
- Install webmin into debian bookworm03.09.24
- Force rsync when a raid device is set on resync=PENDING with auto-read-only03.09.24
- Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring31.08.24
- Comand to suspend my laptop with freebsd01.09.24
- Export all pictures out of a mp4 clip with ffmpeg19.02.24
- Get the last element from a split string in rust22.06.23
- Cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.23.08.24
- Call from the egui to an async functions20.08.24
- Adding a Command-Line to Rust App with with the clap struct way19.08.24
- How to save local data in a Swift app?18.08.24
- How to align 3 buttons, one in the center, one to the left and one to the right in swift18.08.24
- Dependency Walker 16.08.24
- Compile and publish Linux and Windows Rust Binaries Releases on GitHub Action15.08.24
- Compile and publish macOS Rust Binary Releases on GitHub Action 15.08.24
- Run freebsd in github action15.08.24