- Loop a serde value rust couchdb object 08.12.23
- Convert synfig Studio exported Lottie JSON file into telegram conform TGS files07.12.23
- Loop a Python JSON recursively03.12.23
- PHP 7.4 on Debian Bookworm02.12.23
- Linux Screen Recorder Tools01.12.23
- Get the SPF record from a Domain via linux commandline 30.11.23
- Get seqGet a smaller sub scene out of a mp3 movie fileucen out of the mp4 movie 30.11.23
- Rotate 90 clockwise with ffmpeg30.11.23
- Enable symlink with a docker lighttpd30.11.23
- Enable Dirlisting, or Directory Listing in lighttpd.30.11.23
- Remove mail blacklist from all.s5h.net26.08.21
- Example to save data from a MySQL database to a couchdb database29.11.23
- Couchdb search for a string range with a couchdb view index28.11.23
- ISO Language Code Table26.11.23
- How to set a default value to a serde_json Deserialize21.11.23
- Delete all mails from a postfix mail list what include a certain domain name 20.11.23
- If you want to make a complaint over a Germany financial company. You can use 18.11.23
- Automatically created subtitle from a mp4 videos file via Google API 13.11.23
- Delay or pause an async loop with rust using Duration13.11.23
- Debug WordPress after a plugin update makes the website not accessible anymore 08.11.23
- Convert font to SVG path with Inkscape 06.11.23
- Translate Djangos URLs with Translating URL patterns06.11.23
- What are Django Apps04.11.23
- Bash script to request via acme.sh multiple lets encrypt certs specially used for lighttpd31.10.23
- The function of the .well-known/acme-challenge folder31.10.23
- Python endswith with array12.07.17
- How to install lighttpd on FreeBSD 30.10.23
- Pkg package manager in FreeBSD to review installed packages and install30.10.23
- Linux's virus scanner Clamscan to scan only new files maxium of 24 hours29.10.23
- Why use FreeBSD over LInux28.10.23
- Get the version of FreeBSD via comandline 27.10.23
- Wordpress wp_statistics query to get page visits by count26.10.23
- How to use acme.sh with apache226.10.23
- Natural speech synthesis engine for Linux, what can be used via command line 26.10.23
- How to export a Postgres database with command line 25.10.23
- Create a transparent Canvas Image and put another transparent picture on top with rust23.10.23
- How to get the original host from the webserver when you use django with a local proxy port22.10.23
- Setup shuup18.10.23
- Get a couchdb reduce map couchdb view with rust17.10.23
- Remove all Files from SVS what got deleted from the project 15.10.23
- Spamassassin Manual Whitelist15.10.23
- Use Bash Shell in your Mac iTerm2 15.10.23
- ASCII table15.10.23
- Keyboard Key Equivalency sign - tilde on MacBook Pro on an English UK keyboard 15.10.23
- Loop a serde_json rust object 10.10.23
- Create a rust 112 date format from today10.10.23
- SQL LEFT JOIN to a column what get split by spaces05.10.23
- Split a python list in equal chunks 02.10.23
- : pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.29.09.23
- Get an older Apple Xcode like xcode-12.4 via command line29.09.23