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How to use crontab ?
where each field is defined as [min] Minutes that program should be executed on. 0-59. Do not set as * or the program will be run once a minute. [hour] Hour that program should be executed on. 0-23. * for every hour. [day of month] Day of the month that process should be executed on. 1-31. * for every day. [month] Month that program whould be executed on. 1-12 * for every month. [day of week] Day of the week. 0-6 where Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ...., Saturday = 6. * for every day of the week. [program] Program to be executed. Include full path information. Here are some examples: 0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo every 15 minutes on every hour, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. In other words, it will run every 15 minutes for as long as the machine it running. 10 3 * * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 3:10am on every day. 10 * 1 * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 12:10am on the first day of the month. 10 * * 1 * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 12:10am on the first month of the year. 10 14 * * 1 /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 2:10pm on every Monday.
How to use crontab ?
where each field is defined as [min] Minutes that program should be executed on. 0-59. Do not set as * or the program will be run once a minute. [hour] Hour that program should be executed on. 0-23. * for every hour. [day of month] Day of the month that process should be executed on. 1-31. * for every day. [month] Month that program whould be executed on. 1-12 * for every month. [day of week] Day of the week. 0-6 where Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ...., Saturday = 6. * for every day of the week. [program] Program to be executed. Include full path information. Here are some examples: 0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo every 15 minutes on every hour, day-of-month, month, and day-of-week. In other words, it will run every 15 minutes for as long as the machine it running. 10 3 * * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 3:10am on every day. 10 * 1 * * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 12:10am on the first day of the month. 10 * * 1 * /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 12:10am on the first month of the year. 10 14 * * 1 /usr/bin/foo Will run /usr/bin/foo at 2:10pm on every Monday.
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