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How to setup a Mongrel Cluster?
1. install ruby-dev sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev 2. install mongrel sudo gem install -y mongrel 3. install mongrelcluster sudo gem install -y mongrel_cluster 4. create the cluster configuratin file mongrel_rails cluster::configure -p 8000 -N 3 -c /home/veto/awww/myapp 5. Test Mongrel cluster mongrel_rails cluster::start mongrel_rails cluster::stop 6. Create a etc cluster config directory sudo mkdir /etc/mongrel_cluster 7. Copy the mongelcluster startup script to init.d folder cp /path_tocluster/resources/mongrel_cluster /etc/init.d/ 8. Setup rights to that script sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongrel_cluster 9. install the script for bootstartup (debian) /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f mongrel_cluster defaults 10.Change the shebang line (the first line) of the mongrel_cluster_ctl to: #!/usr/local/bin ruby 11. Link your app config file to the etc config folder ln -s /myapp/config/mongrel_cluster.yml /etc/mongrel_cluster/testapp.yml 12 .Create a mongrel user(debian) adduser --system --group --no-create-home mongrel
How to setup a Mongrel Cluster?
1. install ruby-dev sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev 2. install mongrel sudo gem install -y mongrel 3. install mongrelcluster sudo gem install -y mongrel_cluster 4. create the cluster configuratin file mongrel_rails cluster::configure -p 8000 -N 3 -c /home/veto/awww/myapp 5. Test Mongrel cluster mongrel_rails cluster::start mongrel_rails cluster::stop 6. Create a etc cluster config directory sudo mkdir /etc/mongrel_cluster 7. Copy the mongelcluster startup script to init.d folder cp /path_tocluster/resources/mongrel_cluster /etc/init.d/ 8. Setup rights to that script sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongrel_cluster 9. install the script for bootstartup (debian) /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f mongrel_cluster defaults 10.Change the shebang line (the first line) of the mongrel_cluster_ctl to: #!/usr/local/bin ruby 11. Link your app config file to the etc config folder ln -s /myapp/config/mongrel_cluster.yml /etc/mongrel_cluster/testapp.yml 12 .Create a mongrel user(debian) adduser --system --group --no-create-home mongrel
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