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How do I switch modes in emacs
To change a buffer's mode while using Emacs, enter: M-x mode-name M-x indicates pressing the Meta key (if you have one) and x. If you don't have a Meta key, press and release the Esc key, and then press x. Replace mode-name with the name of the mode to which you want to switch. For more information about keystrokes in Emacs, see How keystrokes are denoted in Emacs What follows is a list of some of the major modes and their functions. The phrases in the "Mode-name" column can be used with the command above to switch modes. Mode-name Function asm-mode Assembly code awk-mode awk code c++-mode C++ code c-mode C code fortran-mode Fortran code fundamental-mode Default mode latex-mode LaTeX files lisp-mode Lisp code (other than Emacs Lisp) pascal-mode Pascal code perl-mode Perl code scheme-mode Scheme code sgml-mode SGML code tex-mode TeX files text-mode Regular text
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