- Get today and yesterday date in bash30.01.17
- How to test the accessibility of a mssql server from linux21.01.17
- How to add a primary key to a mssql column20.01.17
- How to change the varchar value for mssql column 20.01.17
- How to restore a mssql bak database file from a shared mapped network in mssql studio04.09.15
- Example of mssql trigger to update a group when one member of the group is changed13.01.17
- How to make a cron.hourly script workable?12.01.17
- Couchdb view to check if the last date is older then 1 day11.01.17
- A way to check if a python script is running11.01.17
- How to find the last substring occurrence by a separator with mssql 06.01.17
- Access a django development app from the docker host06.01.17
- Check what max TDS are supported on my mssql server06.01.17
- How to increase the time before couchdb gives up for a replication05.01.17
- How to export a docker container to another host and run it there16.11.16
- SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Specify the actual server name22.12.16
- Get my erlang version21.12.16
- How to list all tables with psql21.12.16
- View open mssql connections20.12.16
- What types exists for lucene couchdb search keys16.12.16
- How to enable the SQL Server Agent within the mssql studio16.12.16
- How to get the froxlor key when your server is behind a proxy09.07.14
- Add in gentoo a service to the startup runlevel11.12.16
- Add RVM to a docker image and install a ruby version10.12.16
- How to install into a container mariadb and phpmyadmin packets without asking question - unattended install 10.12.16
- Remove all untagged container10.12.16
- Md - markdown cheatsheet10.12.16
- A website to to convert to all webfonts when you upload a ttf or otf file30.11.16
- A way to make a GET request from a mssql server(2012) query30.11.16
- A way to find out what font type and size is used for a specific text in a pdf document30.11.16
- Compare 2 postgres tables and out the differences29.11.16
- Postgres equivalent for mysql's source command29.11.16
- Mssql store procedure with a dynamicly generated sql string28.11.16
- Hot to get the path of one directory above with python28.11.16
- A way to mapp a mssql server table to postgres foreign table28.11.16
- How to count all docs in couchdb and fetch them from php26.11.16
- How to set the dpi with python pil imager26.11.16
- How to prevent cron to output or send for a specific job a email26.11.16
- Cannot install with pip in virtualenv25.11.16
- How to center a bootstrap navigation25.11.16
- Change or alter a postgres user password23.11.16
- Gentoo docker says no space left on device but there is space19.11.16
- In getnoo i got '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' 19.11.16
- Remove complete java from debian:15.11.16
- How to import a csv file into a postgres table09.11.16
- Deploy a rails webapp with apache mode passenger on a different ruby version06.11.16
- How to build electron desktop test applicaitons31.10.16
- Pseudo random in a command line shell31.10.16
- How to add a custom filter to a angularjs directive 25.10.16
- List all /etc/init.d daemons and see if they on or off25.10.16
- Postgresql 9.5 does not autostart after reboot jessie25.10.16