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Emacs Keys
emacs-back-to-indentation Alt + M Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-back-to-indentation Meta + M Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-back-to-indentation Escape m Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-backward-kill-word Meta + Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Ctrl + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Alt + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Alt + Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Meta + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Escape Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Escape Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-begin-buffer Home Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Alt + Less Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Meta + Less Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Ctrl + Home Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Meta + Shift + , Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Alt + Shift + , Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Escape Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-capitalize-word Alt + C Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-capitalize-word Meta + C Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-capitalize-word Escape c Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-clipboard-kill-region Cut Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-region F20 Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-ring-save Copy Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-ring-save F16 Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-yank F18 Paste the clipboard to the left of the caret. emacs-clipboard-yank Paste Paste the clipboard to the left of the caret. emacs-delete-blank-lines Control-X Ctrl + O Delete blank lines around the current line, or delete the current line if this line is blank. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Meta + \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Alt + \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Escape \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-downcase-region Control-X Ctrl + L Lower case the text between the point and the mark. emacs-downcase-word Alt + L Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-downcase-word Meta + L Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-downcase-word Escape l Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-end-buffer Ctrl + End Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer End Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Meta + Greater Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Alt + Greater Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Alt + Shift + . Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Meta + Shift + . Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Escape > Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-exchange-point-mark Control-X Ctrl + X Exchange the locations of the point and the mark. emacs-indent-region Control-X Tab Indent every line that is part of the current selection. emacs-keyboard-clear Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-keyboard-clear Escape Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-keyboard-clear Control-X Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-kill-line Ctrl + K Delete the text from the caret to the end of the current line. emacs-kill-region Ctrl + W Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Meta + W Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Alt + W Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Escape w Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-word Meta + D Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-kill-word Alt + D Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-kill-word Escape d Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-mark-buffer Control-X h Set the mark at the end of the document and the caret at the start of the document. emacs-set-control-x Ctrl + X Set the Emacs keymap in Control-X mode. emacs-set-mark Alt + Shift + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + At Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + Shift + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Alt + At Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + Space Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-upcase-region Control-X Ctrl + U Upper case the text between the point and the mark. emacs-upcase-word Meta + U Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-upcase-word Alt + U Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-upcase-word Escape u Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-yank Ctrl + Y Paste the most recent entry in the kill ring to the left of the caret. emacs-yank-pop Meta + Y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring. emacs-yank-pop Alt + Y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring. emacs-yank-pop Escape y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring.
Emacs Keys
emacs-back-to-indentation Alt + M Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-back-to-indentation Meta + M Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-back-to-indentation Escape m Move the caret to the first non white space character on the current line. emacs-backward-kill-word Meta + Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Ctrl + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Alt + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Alt + Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Meta + Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Escape Backspace Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-backward-kill-word Escape Delete Delete the text from the caret to the start of the previous word. emacs-begin-buffer Home Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Alt + Less Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Meta + Less Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Ctrl + Home Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Meta + Shift + , Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Alt + Shift + , Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-begin-buffer Escape Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the start of the document. emacs-capitalize-word Alt + C Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-capitalize-word Meta + C Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-capitalize-word Escape c Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word, but capitalize the first letter. emacs-clipboard-kill-region Cut Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-region F20 Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-ring-save Copy Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-kill-ring-save F16 Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-clipboard-yank F18 Paste the clipboard to the left of the caret. emacs-clipboard-yank Paste Paste the clipboard to the left of the caret. emacs-delete-blank-lines Control-X Ctrl + O Delete blank lines around the current line, or delete the current line if this line is blank. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Meta + \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Alt + \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-delete-horizontal-space Escape \ Delete all white space around the caret. emacs-downcase-region Control-X Ctrl + L Lower case the text between the point and the mark. emacs-downcase-word Alt + L Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-downcase-word Meta + L Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-downcase-word Escape l Lower case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-end-buffer Ctrl + End Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer End Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Meta + Greater Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Alt + Greater Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Alt + Shift + . Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Meta + Shift + . Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-end-buffer Escape > Set the mark at the caret location and move the caret to the end of the document. emacs-exchange-point-mark Control-X Ctrl + X Exchange the locations of the point and the mark. emacs-indent-region Control-X Tab Indent every line that is part of the current selection. emacs-keyboard-clear Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-keyboard-clear Escape Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-keyboard-clear Control-X Ctrl + G Get the editor out of any special states. emacs-kill-line Ctrl + K Delete the text from the caret to the end of the current line. emacs-kill-region Ctrl + W Kill a region of text and send it the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Meta + W Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Alt + W Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-ring-save Escape w Copy a region of text to the kill ring and the clipboard. emacs-kill-word Meta + D Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-kill-word Alt + D Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-kill-word Escape d Delete the text from the caret to the end of the word. emacs-mark-buffer Control-X h Set the mark at the end of the document and the caret at the start of the document. emacs-set-control-x Ctrl + X Set the Emacs keymap in Control-X mode. emacs-set-mark Alt + Shift + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + At Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + Shift + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Alt + At Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + Space Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-set-mark Ctrl + 2 Set the mark at the current caret position. emacs-upcase-region Control-X Ctrl + U Upper case the text between the point and the mark. emacs-upcase-word Meta + U Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-upcase-word Alt + U Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-upcase-word Escape u Upper case the text from the caret to the end of the current word. emacs-yank Ctrl + Y Paste the most recent entry in the kill ring to the left of the caret. emacs-yank-pop Meta + Y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring. emacs-yank-pop Alt + Y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring. emacs-yank-pop Escape y Delete the most recently yanked selection and substitute it with the second to last entry in the kill ring.
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